Oh No!
There really was some
‘music’ after all!
L to R: Rock, Cherrywood, (Back) Skid (Front), Reg
(The track is ‘Les Bleaus françcaise’ you really have to press the PLAY button!)
So, those rumours turned out to be true and a few of the ‘Tapes’ have indeed been recovered. Or rather that should read, ‘the part of two sessions’ tapes’ possibly from the the first album (top picture) and the ill fated Silent But Violent sessions, a photo of which still remains (above).
However, we now have, courtesy of the marvelous efforts of Mike Reynolds, around 40 minutes of material which he was able to write to DVD as one long track, this has now been separated into individual tracks and an album re-written to CD. The tracks include some from the Silent but Violent and Many moons of the horned planet sessions.
Mike discovered this lost gold mine whilst demolishing his garden shed so it is indeed a miracle that these priceless gems have been launched on our unsuspecting world.
There are still hours of this stuff out there somewhere.
Mike’s efforts in doing this cannot be praised highly enough as the tapes were originally recorded on a variety of machines, the older stuff on a very cheap single track (Skid’s dad’s machine which was bought from the classified ad pages of the Sunday Mirror for playing German Language instruction tapes subliminally, more on that another time!).
The later songs were laid down on the stereo 2 Track unit that Rock acquired. Consequently, when played on the 4-channel Akai that Mick bought specifically for this task, all of the material is somewhat scrambled. Some tapes have 2 channels playing in reverse at the same time as 2 playing forwards, others are all in reverse or a combination of both, in short a complete nightmare. So, cheers Mick, the world owes you big-time for getting so much material from those tapes for the first re-issue. As was said at the time, “It was a complete nightmare getting anything saved at all, there are so many of them”.
Copies of the first retrieved material are available on request at Ignor Records, (email Skid at mrskidmarks@google.com).
The surviving re-issued recordings, which have been re-originated into single tracks, have a page dedicated to each. A sample of this long-lost sound can be heard on each page by pressing the play button. Just press, insert your digits into your ears and wait……
Eventually, each page dedicated to an individual song (maybe even the almost intolerably awful ones!), will contain trivia, hopefully pertinent to the individual track.
Legend always had it that these priceless gems went missing at almost precisely the time that Reginald Banana shuffled off to wedlock. Now that we have a few gems, we can only hope that perhaps more sessions will be discovered in 2009!
Time shall show the wiser* however and we await developments eagerly, if proven to be true, this discovery will be of similar proportions to the finding of the Rosetta Stone and will enable Pants’ Music to be heard again in public after an absence of nearly 40 years. This site will at last have a purpose (or not as the case may be)!
*Apologies to Emmit Rhodes