The Plumlines website


The intention of Plumlines is provide a platform where all of us can keep up to date within the family by exchanging information, photos, family history or just about anything related to each of our particular branches of the family.

Obviously, nothing beats meeting up and socialising but who knows, perhaps we could be teased into keeping in touch better  (I hold my hand up here!) as a result of viewing the site.

Plumlines is running in parallel with the Plummer Family Tree – Plumlines site which is specifically dedicated to our genealogy. As time goes on, I hope that there will be more cross-pollination between the sites, historic pictures and relevant information being uploaded to both of them.

I will be expanding Plumlines to include a section (a page or pages) to each Lineage and each branch of our families. This will take some time and also it will require lots more information and photographic material, more will be revealed.

If you have material you’d like included on this or the Family Tree site, just click the email link and attach your files.

I have done absolutely no research about the Plummer Family per se, in terms of a generic history. I have only concentrated on our immediate ancestors and descendants, using the bits and pieces gleaned from relatives I have spoken to and from paperwork found amongst my immediate family.

Luckily I was able to rely on

I realised that, due to the nature of things, there would be more than enough in this to keep all of us interested here for quite a while, without delving further back than my generations’ grandparents, my starting point as the earliest ancestor was William Frederick Plummer.

Then, it became obvious that it would be fascinating to find out more. For now, though, I only went as far as my granddad’s dad (WFP), though as you will discover, we since realised that we have more earlier histories to share. Not knowing about William Frederick lead to many questions, some of the answers to which only arrived here last week with some early Census information that Shirley Bennet (née  Plummer) had researched.

Weirdly, I discovered in my Dad’s papers, the wedding certificate of William and my Great Grandmother Emily (Emma in some official records) so this is another good reason to nail these two people to the mast as our true ancestral heroes. In that certificate, William’s father is listed as deceased although his name is shown as George. From this point we will undoubtably reach further back in time.

Now, I had never heard of William until Cousin Bert sent me a wedding picture of William and Emily’s daughter Lettitia marrying Tom Costella. I never knew my Granddad (Dad’s dad and William’s son) as he died when I was very young, although I do recall meeting him once or twice and being terrified of him, although my pop spoke of his granddad I never asked meaningful questions about that generation, oh callow youth!

Anyway since the last update, Shirley Bennet my 1st Cousin once removed contacted me again. She carried out some family research a while ago and had information from the 1861 and 1911 Censuses, the files identify William Frederick’s mother (Father George was listed as deceased on the certificate) and the two witnesses A Plummer and E Plummer who I suspected might be William’s brothers are confirmed as Alfred and Edward, his elder brothers. The remainder of his siblings are identified, more news will be posted once the Family Tree is updated.

For those of you that fancy a tip at finding out more of our history, please keep everybody informed of your progress. If you use the internet, you’ll no doubt come across this site: not sure if it will lead anywhere but it certainly will provide a bit of fun. Don’t you just love the Yanks, they are never content until they can prove a lineage to something notable. Just go anywhere in Scotland to see this in action, and they proclaim themselves to be a classless society!

This site is an example of the bland rubbish that makes the gullible  become even more so, oh well!


Welcome  to the Plummer family website

Above Top left:

Gill spies for England

Botton left:

Bill and Gill sandcastling

Above right:

My Granddad Fred and his brothers George and Alf looning about.