Keep your nose out ’f my bizness


Ah, how the sphincter reverberates with unmitigated Ecstasy to experience the subtle psychology of yet another tantric boost from the bosom of that literary genius Rock Carnaby.

As usual, the Combo supplies a barbaric beat overlayed with subtle axe picking by that hero of the fret Reginald Banana to lift  the  whole to an even more complete whole. Reg’ introduces the line up with a parodic pld school pieces of sarcasm, just to mildly apply heat to the cockles!

Twelve bar synergy spontaneously explodes, watch out for a sublimely out of tune strangulation on Rock’s ancient Hohner by the ever exuberant Banana.

Unfortunately the version we have here is a version that contains parts of previous tracks, this will be resolved shortly.

image ©Skid Marks