Stop Press
Cherrywood lives so does Reginald!
We have located Cherrywood and Reg, more news as it breaks…

…and yes,
We have turned over
the famous Rock

Rock Carnaby
(aka Tony Ellis)
Ever since Skid Marks and Justin Trend re-established contact a few years ago, they have been diligently searching for all of the other Pants and associated mates.
Having now uncovered the Rock, it was a terrific surprise that we have also found, by way of a bonus, another dear old friend, Smackers (John Clarke).
This is indeed fantastic news, Rock and Smackers were the best of friends before the Pants ever came in to existence. Indeed they were knocking about together in the early 60s so naturally, they retained their friendship over the years. With luck, the old Pants will soon have a chance to swap zimmer frames and boogie on down, just like the good old days!
Justin and Mick Reynolds were back in touch early on, before this Lost Pants page was created but really Mick should be added to the honours list of ‘Recovered Pants’, he’ll probably tell you that he’s still taking the tablets though, so he’s a convalescing Pant.
Mick Reynolds is here too!

Watch out – even more hooligans about, Mick Reynolds celebrating!
This is indeed fantastic news, Rock and Smackers were the best of friends before the Pants ever came in to existence. Indeed they were knocking about together in the early 60s so naturally, they retained their friendship over the years. With luck, four old Pants will soon have a chance to swap zimmer frames and boogie on down, just like the good old days!
We are obviously really desperate to find Reginald Banana, Cherrywood McCarthy, Roy Meadows, Alan McCloughlin and Pete (The Painter) Effingham as well as all of our other old mates and sometimes Pants. Sean Wright is in touch, as mentioned earlier, he missed out on the Pants’ Experience but was fortunate enough to witness a momentous ‘Ring Of Fire’ event, his eyebrows have now grown back. Bob and Horse Marsdale remain unfound.
We have , since the last update,met up with Cherrywood (see relevant pages) and Skid was contacted by Reginald Banana, a meeting is on for mid-December, he’ll soon be able to add his own personal input to this site!
Obviously, the members’ real names need to be used for any follow up as it is indeed doubtful that anyone of them now uses their old stage names, countless web searches and on social networking sites have so far borne no fruit.
This is a list for fans to follow up on, additional names are welcome from our reader(s), just email Skid at
Roy Meadows
Mick Saunders – FOUND!
Ray Craigie – FOUND!
Bob & Chris Marsdale
Alan Mccloughlin
Dave Benham
Pete (The Painter) Effingham