The Band Members

Skid Marks
Originally known as Bill Plummer or Plunger, Skid took inspiration for his stage name whilst preparing for his annual ablutions, the inspiration for the name of the band arrived at the same time and from the same source.
Known as a completely talentless musician Skid took over the rhythmic duties on biscuit tin, progressing to one snare drum after 10 years of concentrated practice, by the time the Pants disintegrated (sic), Skid was able to also muster 3 notes on harmonica, 4 on jews harp and 5 on treble recorder, sadly it was believed that there is no recorded evidence of this in captivity.
The recent earth-shaking news that some dusty old tapes have been unearthed could prove (or disprove) these assertions, It is uncertain which is the worst scenario; to know for sure that certain death would ensue from hearing such stuff, or for the world to be forever wondering…

(Top) Yes it is a genuine Gibson Les Paul Red Devil, Reg said it was the best guitar he ever played, and he should know!, but don’t be fooled, Skid couldn’t play a note, it beats Air Guitar any day
(Bottom) Skid 1967