Keep your nose out
’f my bizness
L to R Rock, Che, Justin, Skid, Horse, Pete the Painter
Yet another sublimely brilliant bit of Rhythm ‘n Browns crafted by Rock Carnaby.
Ably aided and abetted by the Band, this is as good as it gets.
Cleverly, the band disguise the hard-core origins of the song by allowing Skid to lead off with one of his famous introspective warbles, this unnerves the audience and has the affect of settling the most unruly amongst any that might be spirited in the attended thong.
The Pants made this method something of a trademark in order to quell factious and violent audiences. If affected , most would just leave, others died. To be safe, please do not listen to the first 30 seconds of this track, just to be sure.
This track features Skid Marks on drums, Justin Trend on rhythm guitar, Ginger Marks on bass guitar, Cherrywood McCarthy and Rock Carnaby on vocals. Pete the Painter Effingham (from the renowned Caked Shit) sits in on ‘VibraBrush’, Reginald Banana plays lead guitar.